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Deadline for Manuscript Submission:


Call for Papers

Applied In Vitro Toxicology

Applied In Vitro Toxicology endeavors to serve as the foremost Journal for researchers focusing on the development and use of in vitro methods to understand the effects of test agents on biological systems. As technology has progressed there has been an expansion in the techniques available to support accurate in vitro assessments. These have ranged from engineering solutions, such as organ-on-a-chip, to computational approaches, to advanced uses of human tissues. The goal of the Journal will be to provide articles that address the latest science both in terms of methodologies but also in discovery.

Organizations involved with hazard identification and risk assessment will want to read AIVT in order to understand how new and existing in vitro methods are applied, and the questions for which these models provide answers. Meanwhile investigators interested in using the latest in vitro technologies to improve their science both in terms of the 3Rs and in translation to human systems will also be served.

Applied In Vitro Toxicology coverage includes:

  • Applied in vitro toxicology industry standards
  • New technologies developed for applied in vitro toxicology
  • Data acquisition, cleaning, distribution, and best practices
  • Business interests from research to product
  • The changing role of in vitro toxicology
  • Co-culture, 3D culture techniques, organ-on-a-chip
  • Drug and xenobiotic metabolism
  • The role of oxidative stress in cellular toxicities and phenotype control
  • Physical interfaces and robotics
  • Computational modeling of toxicological exposure
  • Bioinformatic modeling
  • Tissue slices as model systems
  • Translation of toxicological data to the human condition

On this note I hope that you will accept our invitation to submit your research to Applied In Vitro Toxicology to be considered for publication. I would also appreciate it if you could suggest other researchers who can contribute their articles to this Journal. Please let us know of your intent or of ideas that you may have for the journal. I look forward to reading your manuscript.

Kind regards and thank you for your consideration,

Dr. Andrew Gow
Applied In Vitro Toxicology

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Deadline for Manuscript Submission: