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Deadline for Manuscript Submission:
September 30, 2019


Call for Papers



Guest Editors:

Cheryl Charles

Children & Nature Network

Gregory Cajete
University of New Mexico


The journal Ecopsychology will publish a special issue focusing on Wisdom Traditions, Science and Care for the Earth. 

This special issue is designed to bring forward insights from wisdom traditions, such as those from Indigenous peoples, and those from contemporary science, in order to more clearly inspire and guide actions that care for the Earth.

The issue is co-edited by two leaders in their fields. Cheryl Charles is Co-Founder, President, and CEO Emerita of the Children & Nature Network, and an educator, author, and long-time advocate for connecting people of all ages with nature. Gregory Cajete is a scholar, educator, author and elder in his Indigenous tribe, Tewa, and served for many years as director of Native American Studies at University of New Mexico.

This special issue is interested in empirical and theoretical papers, as well as evocative essays and other special submissions that could help bring insights from traditional and Indigenous perspectives as well as scientific.

Relevant methods include, but are not limited to, experimental studies, qualitative investigations, case studies, and oral histories. Topics include the following, among others:

  • Scholarly articles and studies that investigate consistencies (or inconsistencies) between scientific findings and those based on traditional ecological knowledge (TEK), Indigenous knowledge, local traditions, and other forms of ancient wisdom.
  • Reports and examples of integration of Indigenous and other traditional wisdom, along with scientific evidence, within K-12 curricula for purposes associated with developing generations of learners with a commitment to care for the Earth.
  • Policies, programs, and practices using wisdom traditions to help prepare children, youth, and young professionals to advocate and care for the Earth.
  • Descriptions and examples of how traditional ecological wisdom is informing current science.
  • Arts and culture policies that promote the integration of culture and nature to develop a sense of oneness with nature while celebrating stories of connection and healing.
  • Use of a variety of tools, including oral and Indigenous traditions, social media and community-based social marketing, to encourage those with high levels of connectedness to communicate and share their values and experiences with others, including children and youth, and to engage those not yet connected with nature.
  • How to facilitate a shift in consciousness whereby people act upon the recognition that humans and the rest of nature are inextricably connected.

We welcome submissions from diverse areas of research and practice, including, and not limited to, ecopsychology, Indigenous studies, conservation psychology, nature-based leadership, nature-based and place-based education, public health, spiritual traditions, spiritual ecology, biophilic values, biophilic design, systems theory, complex adaptive systems, environmental studies, mindfulness, and biomimicry for social innovation.

Your contribution should be no longer than 4000 words, excluding references, and submitted no later than September 1, 2019. Please submit using the journal’s online submission portal.

Questions? Please contact Guest Co-Editor, Guest Co-Editor Cheryl Charles.

Learn More about this journal

Deadline for Manuscript Submission:
September 30, 2019