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Informing, inspiring, and advancing global innovation to support a healthy, sustainable future


Nov 15 - Nov 19, 2021
TERMIS World Congress
Maastricht, The Netherlands

The TERMIS World Congress is held every three years, and brings together researchers, scientists, clinicians, trainees and students from both academia and industry to discuss critical developments in the field. The meeting is led by keynote speakers each day and consists of parallel technical sessions as well as poster presentations. A strong role in the meeting planning and execution will be played by the TERMIS Student and Young Investigator Section (SYIS).

The overarching theme of the congress is:
“Biologically inspired technology driven regenerative medicine”

We foresee to organize the program in a matrix where one can imagine having specific tissues and organs horizontally and technologies vertically. In addition, we will provide space for debates, which has been often popular in past TERMIS congresses.

In addition to this, we will span across the whole tissue palette, from skeletal to cardiovascular, neural (both CNS and PNS), lymphatic and interstitial, skin and muscle tissue. Specific organ sessions will be organized such as on kidney, pancreas, liver, and glands.

Finally, attention to the immune systems in the context of the recently advancing field of immune regenerative medicine will be given.

Tissue Engineering is the preeminent, biomedical journal advancing the field with cutting-edge research and applications that repair or regenerate portions or whole tissues. This multidisciplinary journal brings together the principles of engineering and life sciences in the creation of artificial tissues and regenerative medicine. Tissue Engineering is divided into three parts, providing a central forum for groundbreaking scientific research and developments of clinical applications from leading experts in the field that will enable the functional replacement of tissues.

Join us at the TERMIS World Congress