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Oct 16 - Oct 17, 2018
Big Data for Intelligence Symposium
Washington, DC

The 2018 Big Data for Intelligence Symposium brings together members of the Intelligence Community and DoD for an open dialogue about the various challenges and opportunities that exist when attempting to convert large amounts of unstructured data into real time, actionable intelligence. This educational forum will provide Intelligence Agencies, U.S. military commands, government agencies, academia, and technology providers the chance to more effectively and efficiently pursue opportunities to harness the power of big data for intelligence collection.

Big Data is the leading peer-reviewed journal covering the challenges and opportunities in collecting, analyzing, and disseminating vast amounts of data. The Journal addresses questions surrounding this powerful and growing field of data science and facilitates the efforts of researchers, business managers, analysts, developers, data scientists, physicists, statisticians, infrastructure developers, academics, and policymakers to improve operations, profitability, and communications within their businesses and institutions.

Make sure to pick up your copy of this essential resource.  For further information on this meeting please click on the following title to take you to their official website: 2018 Big Data for Intelligence Symposium.