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Sep 01 - Sep 02, 2020
Big Data for Intelligence Symposium

The Annual Big Data for Intelligence Symposium will provide members of the Intelligence Community and the Department of Defense a forum to have an open discussion about the challenges and opportunities of turning vast amounts of raw data into actionable intelligence. This Symposium will provide the Intelligence Community, US military commands, government agencies, members of academia, and technology industry leaders the opportunity to explore ways to improve the way we utilize big data for intelligence and the steps we must take in the future to improve this process and maintain our operational advantage.

Big Data is the leading peer-reviewed journal covering the challenges and opportunities in collecting, analyzing, and disseminating vast amounts of data. The Journal addresses questions surrounding this powerful and growing field of data science and facilitates the efforts of researchers, business managers, analysts, developers, data scientists, physicists, statisticians, infrastructure developers, academics, and policymakers to improve operations, profitability, and communications within their businesses and institutions.

Pick up your copies of this essential resource The Annual Big Data for Intelligence Symposium