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Informing, inspiring, and advancing global innovation to support a healthy, sustainable future


Jun 28 - Jun 30, 2021
Cannabis Science Conference East
Baltimore, MD

Cannabis Science Conference is the world's largest and fastest growing cannabis science event. Our events have a specialized focus on analytical science, medical topics in cannabis, cultivation and hemp science. Our conference pulls together cannabis industry experts, instrument manufacturers, testing labs, research scientists, medical practitioners, policy makers and interested novices.

Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research is the premier journal dedicated to the scientific, medical, and psychosocial exploration of clinical cannabis, cannabinoids, and the biochemical mechanisms of endocannabinoids. The Journal publishes a broad range of human and animal studies including basic and translational research; clinical studies; behavioral, social, and epidemiological issues; and ethical, legal, and regulatory controversies.

Pick up your copy of this essential resource at the Cannabis Science Conference