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Apr 22 - Apr 24, 2021
LGBT Healthcare Workforce Conference (Digital Event)

The LGBT Health Workforce Conference is the largest and most well known national LGBT health workforce conference in the United States held annually in New York City.  The conference provides an overview of up-to-date practices (climate, educational, research, and clinical) in preparing the health care workforce to address the health concerns and disparities of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) communities.

LGBT Health is the premier peer-reviewed journal dedicated to promoting optimal healthcare for all sexual and gender minority persons worldwide. The Journal focuses specifically on health while maintaining sufficient breadth to address policy, legislative, and education and training issues relevant to the provision of healthcare and health outcomes. This Journal aims to advance understanding of the health needs particular to each sexual and gender minority population and to improve delivery of and access to culturally competent healthcare.

View the virtual event at the LGBT Health Workforce Conference