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Editorial Board


Madhavi Venkatesan, PhD
Northeastern University
Boston, MA, USA


Editorial Board  

Adjo A. Amekudzi-Kennedy, PhD
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA, USA


Jishnu Bhattacharyya, MBA
Nottingham University Business School China
Ningbo, China


Bernard Combes, MIA, BS
Paris, France


Felipe Costa Lima, MSc
Max Planck Institute
Luxembourg City, Luxembourg

Cliff I. Davidson, PhD
Syracuse University
Syracuse, NY, USA


Elizabeth Dukes, MS
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA USA

Ian Hamilton, MSc
U.S. Bahá’í Office of Public Affairs
Washington, DC, USA


Dzintra Iliško, PhD
Daugavpils University
Daugavpils, Latvia

Samantha Mosier, PhD, MPA
East Carolina University
Greenville, NC, USA


Edwin R. Stafford, PhD, MBA
Utah State University
Logan, UT, USA


Mark Starik, PhD
Walden University
    Minneapolis, MN, USA
University of Wisconsin Extended Campus
    Madison, WI, USA

Juliette Torabian, PhD
University of Luxembourg
Walferdange, Luxembourg

Narges Vazin, PhD
University of Isfahan
Isfahan, Iran


Grace Wang, PhD
Western Washington University
Bellingham, WA, USA

William E. Winner, PhD
Duke Kunshan University
Jiangsu, China

Ernest J. Yanarella, PhD
University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY, USA


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