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Liebert Open Access

Our Commitment to Open Science

Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. is committed to open science, providing flexible opportunities for authors, institutions, and funders that guarantee the greatest discoverability, visibility, and global impact of research for the long-term. Through our diverse publishing and partnership models, we foster an innovative and vibrant community dedicated to research quality, transparency, and inclusivity.

At the heart of our mission is the belief that specialist information powers better research, productivity, and outcomes, and since our founding in 1980, we have focused on identifying, promoting, and advancing opportunities for authors and their research in the fields we serve. We believe that all research has value in advancing its field – whether novel, experimental, controversial, or null hypothesis results – and our open access publishing program welcomes these papers.

Our author-first approach delivers a publishing experience that is fast, personal, and of exceptional quality. We are fully compliant with the open access policies from major funders and institutions, including the US National Institutes of Health (NIH), Wellcome Trust, Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI), Research Councils UK (UKRI), Plan S, and European Commission. All of our journals offer an option for gold open access with a liberal CC BY license, as well as have a progressive green open access policy enabling immediate, unrestricted access to the accepted version of an article. Alongside our hybrid journal program, we publish a growing portfolio of fully open access journals, also with the CC BY license. A full list of these titles is available here.

Through expanding partnerships with leading institutions, funding bodies, and societies across the globe, we actively empower researchers and clinicians with access to critical peer-reviewed content and opportunities to publish their work.

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