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Publishing Services

Maximize your research impact with dynamic editorial services that support your manuscript from pre-submission to post-publication.

Our unique publishing experience delivers:
  • One-on-one expert guidance and communication, from pre-submission inquiries through to post-publication marketing
  • Prompt first editorial decision, with referral options available to other leading journals in our portfolio
  • Rigorous peer review and editorial oversight from leading specialists in your field
  • Zero-embargo green Open Access policy ensures that you comply with funder mandates; you have the option to post the accepted version of your manuscript to your institutional repository or personal website immediately upon publication of the Version of Record
  • Rapid online-first publication ensures your work is available to read, cite, and make an impact as soon as possible
  • All article pages are search engine optimized (SEO) using the latest technologies, making it easy for readers to find and access your work through online searches
  • Immediate deposit of your work to highly visible indexing services upon publication, maximizing your discoverability across all major research platforms
  • Free 30-day access to your published research to share your work among colleagues, social networks, and with anyone who may be interested in your work
  • Availability in library and institutional resource collections in more than 170 countries as well as through Research4Life, which makes your research freely available in developing countries
  • Opportunity for your work to be featured in our highly successful marketing and public relations campaigns that amplify your impact

Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. has also partnered with Editage and Impact Science to provide an additional dynamic suite of specialized editorial services to ensure your manuscript has the impact it deserves. Learn more about how we can take your paper to the next level with our pre-submission English Language Editing and English-Language Translation Services, as well as our post-publication Research Promotion Services – including infographics, video abstracts, plain language summaries, and more.

Visit our Editage Author Services portal now for more information and to get started!

All Editage services are fee-based services that authors can opt-into as an added author benefit to amplify the readability, visibility, findability, and shareability of their work.