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Aims & Scope

Established in 2023 with an international editorial board of leading experts, the Journal of Medical Extended Reality (J Med XR) stands at the forefront of the burgeoning field of Medical Extended Reality (MXR), an interdisciplinary science focused on the role of extended reality (XR) technologies in healthcare. With the rapid advances in XR hardware and software, it is vital to examine how XR technologies, including virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and mixed reality (MR) can promote human health and wellbeing at scale. 

As the de facto journal of record for MXR and the official journal of both the American Medical Extended Reality Association (AMXRA) and the International Virtual Reality Healthcare Association, J Med XR serves as a platform for researchers, practitioners, and innovators across disciplines to explore the multifaceted role of XR in healthcare. With a focus on the role of XR in therapeutics, simulation, and medical education, J Med XR provides a multidisciplinary forum for the exchange of knowledge and ideas, ultimately charting the future of healthcare’s virtual frontiers. 

Scope and Objectives:
J Med XR welcomes original research papers, systematic reviews, meta-analyses, case studies, and critical reviews that contribute to the understanding and advancement of MXR in healthcare. The journal seeks to foster collaboration between medical professionals, computer scientists, engineers, psychologists, educators, and other relevant disciplines, aiming to stimulate innovative approaches, promote evidence-based practices, and drive the adoption of XR technologies in healthcare settings around the world. As the official journal of AMXRA, J Med XR also publishes AMXRA expert guidelines across a range of MXR topics. 

Topics of Interest:
J Med XR covers a broad spectrum of topics related to the application of XR in healthcare, including but not limited to:

  • Therapeutics and Rehabilitation: Investigations into the use of XR technologies for therapy and rehabilitation purposes, including pain management, mental health interventions, physical rehabilitation, neurorehabilitation, and applications of XR across the full range of medical and surgical subspecialities. Studies on the design and evaluation of XR-based interventions, patient outcomes, and usability assessments are of particular interest.

  • Use of XR in Allied Health Sciences: Studies assessing AI in, occupational therapy, chiropractic, dentistry, podiatry, midwifery, and nursing. Other related applications include XR in nutrition counseling, respiratory therapy, paramedical simulations, emergency response training, genetic counseling, and audiology, among other allied health sciences.

  • MXR Across the Lifespan: Papers focusing on the use of XR from pediatrics to geriatrics. Pediatric topics may include developmental considerations for MXR, sensory engagement and distraction techniques, pediatric training and education, pediatric-friendly interface and design, and ethical considerations and child protection. In aging populations, topics may include MXR for neurocognitive decline, addressing social isolation, or end-of-life care.  

  • XR for Medical or Surgical Training and Education: Papers exploring the integration of XR in medical education, such as virtual anatomy, procedural training, and immersive simulation platforms. This may include studies on curriculum development, assessment methodologies, and the effectiveness of XR-based training in enhancing medical knowledge and skills. Other topics include patient safety simulations, remote training, assessment of competency evaluation in XR, and long-term skill retention. 

  • XR for Patient Education and Communication: Studies assessing telemedicine and remote XR consultations, use of XR to enhance patient engagement, and patient-centered design thinking. Other topics may include use of XR to assist patients in visualizing treatment options, assessing cultural sensitivity of XR applications, and XR as a support tool for caregivers. 

  • XR in Medical Imaging: Research assessing XR for medical data visualization, multimodal medical image fusion, holographic display of medical images, and holography for interactive medical data exploration. This category includes XR-enhanced navigation during interventional procedures and other XR applications to enhance data visualization for clinical or research support. 

  • MXR Neuropsychological and Biological Mechanisms of Action: Research examining the fundamental effects of XR on human psychology and physiology. Includes use of biophilia/nature environments, benefits of distraction/spotlight of attention, effects of XR-enabled meditation, benefits of spatial audio in XR, and research examining presence and immersion in XR. Other topics may include the immunological and neurobiological effects of XR, mechanisms of placebo/sham in XR, and leveraging virtual embodiment, the Proteus effect, and time modification in XR. 

  • MXR Design, Development, and Clinical Deployment: Exploration of the design principles, interface technologies, and user experience factors that impact the effectiveness and acceptance of XR in healthcare. This may involve studies on user-centered design, interaction modalities, ergonomics, decision support systems, stakeholder adoption, interoperability, and operational deployment of XR.

  • XR Hardware and Sensors: Research describing advances in head-mounted displays, tracking and positional systems, haptics, input devices, and sensory integration in XR. J Med XR will also encourage studies on use of biometric sensors, eye tracking and gaze interaction, spatial computing platforms, wireless communications in XR, power and energy considerations, wearable XR technologies, advanced display technologies, and articles projecting future trends and innovations in XR hardware and sensors. 

  • Data Analysis and AI Integration: Papers focusing on the integration of XR with artificial intelligence (AI) and data analytics to enhance medical decision-making, diagnosis, and treatment planning. This includes topics such as AI agents, automated reasoning, data visualization, machine learning algorithms, use of large language models, and other intelligent XR systems.

  • Socio-Economic and Regulatory Aspects of MXR: Papers exploring the regulatory framework for MXR, including FDA guidance around MXR applications, health economics of MXR, and health equity. J Med XR will encourage submissions on the health economics and insurance coverage of MXR, comparative approaches to regulation across nations, legal considerations, and uses of MXR across diverse populations and settings. 

  • Ethics, Safety, Privacy and Adverse Effect of MXR: Research examining the ethical considerations, data privacy and security, and unintended consequences of XR in healthcare. Topics may include incidence and predictors of simulator sickness, psychological adverse events of XR applications, injury risk, social isolation, XR overuse or addiction, and other safety and adverse effects of XR. 

Review Process and Editorial Board:
J Med XR follows a rigorous peer-review process, ensuring the highest standards of scientific integrity and quality. The journal boasts an esteemed editorial board comprising experts from diverse disciplines, including renowned researchers and practitioners who have made significant contributions to the field of MXR. Their expertise ensures that J Med XR remains at the forefront of emerging trends and developments.

The Journal of Medical Extended Reality (J Med XR) is dedicated to advancing the field of MXR by promoting research, collaboration, and knowledge exchange among interdisciplinary professionals. By embracing the potential of XR in healthcare, J Med XR serves as an essential resource for those seeking to leverage technology to improve patient outcomes, enhance medical education, and revolutionize the practice of medicine. Researchers and practitioners in MXR are encouraged to submit their pioneering work to J Med XR, shaping the future of healthcare and paving the way for a new era of immersive, patient-centered care.

The views, opinions, findings, conclusions and recommendations set forth in any Journal article are solely those of the authors of those articles and do not necessarily reflect the views, policy or position of the Journal, its Publisher, its editorial staff or any affiliated Societies and should not be attributed to any of them.

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